R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

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Funky admins : funkiness, Wonder B

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par silverfox »


Billet N° 000005 !
Ce n'est pas surprenant, Il n' y avait pas grand monde ce soir là, ou plutôt cette nuit-là, le concert n'ayant débuté qu'après minuit.

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

@ Silverfox : le rêve... :love1:

J'aime beaucoup le contenu, cela fait écho...
Philippe GOATY a écrit :La vie sans Prince
Par Frédéric GOATY

Mon cher Prince,

Autant te le dire tout de suite : je t’en veux beaucoup. Et je n’ai même pas peur d’ajouter : je t’en veux à mort.
Je ne te l’avais jamais dit, par pudeur, mais tout ça, ma vie, mon petit parcours professionnel, mes amis, l’amour de ma vie, ma beautiful one (« Do you want me ? ’Cause I want U ! »), c’est un peu, beaucoup, pasionnément à cause de toi. À travers toi. Grâce à toi. Je l’ai senti quelques minutes à peine après l’annonce de ta mort, quelque chose s’est cassé en moi. Je ne t’ai jamais parlé – enfin si, une fois, à la Fnac, en 1988, mais tu ne peux évidemment pas t’en souvenir –, je ne t’ai jamais serré la main, mais j’ai si souvent écouté tes disques, si souvent eu envie de crier de bonheur et de pleurer de joie à tes concerts, que j’ai l’impression d’avoir perdu un proche. Ben oui.

Certes, nous avons tes disques, tes vidéos, des souvenirs, des Bataclan, des Bercy et des New Morning en pagaille, mais savoir désormais que derrière tout ça il n’y a plus personne, il n’y a plus Prince, il n’y a plus rien, cela me semble inconcevable, intolérable, inadmissible.

Avec celle de Bowie, ta mort scelle définitivement la fin d’une époque, celle où des artistes hors-normes pouvaient contre vents et marées se frayer un chemin qui, pour nous les mortels, ressemblait au plus sompteux stairway to heaven de la création.

Voilà. Il est 2 heures du matin, Prince, après deux heures sur Europe 1 et presque autant sur BFM TV à dire tout l’amour que j’ai pour ta musique, je reviens du Réservoir, où j’ai croisé quelques amis et dansé avec celle qui t’en veut autant que moi ; où j’avais dédicacé, il y a six ans, le petit dictionnaire coécrit avec mon pote Christophe (c’était la fête, une fête en ton honneur organisé par la bande à Raphy, un merveilleux moment).

Il est 2 heures du matin, Prince, et je n’ai pas sommeil. Toi, tu n’avais jamais sommeil, dit-on. Tu dormais très peu. Trop peu sans doute. Te voilà figé dans le repos éternel.

Mais nous, qu’est-ce qu’on va devenir sans toi ?

With love, 4 ever
Frédéric, né le 2 juin, comme toi, ou presque

PS : Pour une fois, j’ai fait court, mais crois-moi, je n’ai pas dit mon dernier mot.
Source : Muziq

Wonder B a écrit :Hommage de Candy DULFER

Dear all,
yesterday was a surreal day.
Like all of you I was just not ready to say goodbye to this guy.
His music was the soundtrack to my life...

Jean a écrit :Entre temps les "videos" reviennent petit à petit sur les sites usuels.
Je ne savais pas qu'il avait décidé de tout retirer il y a quelques mois.
Même sur FB les vidéos non youtube reviennent (vidéos qui figuraient dans le sujet Vous avez dit Prince ? (mise à jour des liens à venir).

Prince - "Baby I'm A Star" (live)

Prince - "Irresistible Bitch" / "Possessed" (live)

Pour info, les vidéos sont téléchargeables et vous pouvez les visualiser et les écouter avec VLC Media Player par exemple même si vous n'avez pas fb... (murmure). ;)

Cela durera toute la journée, c'est un lien posté par Mpls Place :
-->Live Stream | The Current from Minnesota Public Radio

What it sounds like when 1,000 high school choir students pay tribute to Prince - "Purple Rain"

Prince - Parade Tour (Detroit, 07 juin 1986)

Prince Live @ the Fox Theatre in Atlanta - The FINAL SHOW (14 avril 2016)



Prince fait une reprise sublime lors de ce live, à 1h11mn30s : un titre de Bob Marley : "Waiting In Vain".

:study: Le lien audio n'est plus disponible sur la toile... patience...


Impossible de finir ce post sur ton dernier live, non non !!! "naaan" "naaan" "naaan"

Prince - "Motherless Child" (live, 1999)

Voilà pourquoi j'aime tant ta Musique, ce titre regroupe tous les éléments qui parlent à mes sens, mon émotion : Gospel, Funk, Groove, guitare extrême et quasi Metal à 5mn45, le prêche avec le public... je suis en prière.

Prince - "Summertime"' @ Soundcheck, Osaka (02 septembre 1990)

Enfin, un titre qui m'apaise, je vais enfin pouvoir saluer Morphée. Tout comme Kate Bush te l'a écrit, à mon tour de te dire : Goodnight dear Prince.
Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 26 déc. 2016 20:21, modifié 7 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Plutôt que de rajouter çà dans mon post initial sur le décès de Prince je vous soumets ce témoignage d'une légende de la musique, considéré par beaucoup comme un Dieu de la guitare, j'ai nommé Eric Clapton...
Touchant témoignage s'il en est...

Tout d'abord il y a quelques années de çà il avait répondu à un journaliste qui lui demandait :

- How does it feel to be the greatest guitar player on earth?

Il avait répondu :

- I don’t know you will have to ask PRINCE…

Voici maintenant sa réaction à la mort de Prince :

Legendary English rock and blues musician Eric Clapton is remembering Prince as an inspiration, a “true genius“ and a man who lifted him up in the darkest of times.

In an emotional Facebook post on Saturday, Clapton reminisced about being out on the road in the 1980s in a “massive downward spiral with drink and drugs.” Unaware of who Prince was, Clapton entered a movie theater in Canada and watched the 1984 film “Purple Rain.”

The experience, Clapton said, “was like a bolt of lightning.”

“In the middle of my depression, and the dreadful state of the music culture at that time, it gave me hope, he was like a light in the darkness,” Clapton wrote

Regardez maintenant cette vidéo qui montre quel grand guitariste il était (voir à 3'27").

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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Autre hommage sincère et impressionnant... Celui d'Alan LEEDS (frère d'Eric LEEDS sax de Prince pendant un bon moment) qui bossa jadis pour le Godfather (James BROWN) puis pour Prince et actuellement D'Angelo. Un type qui a tout connu dans la musique depuis la fin des 60's jusqu'à maintenant...

“It was just his time.” I HATE it when people say that after someone passes.

Prince died alone in a friggin elevator………..what spiritual power would have designed it that way?
Would it have been his time had he stayed in an Illinois hospital last week and received treatment? Would it have been his time if he had walked down Paisley steps instead of taking the elevator?

The facts are that this man was still actively performing, throwing parties, cycling around Minneapolis’ suburbs……does that sound like it was HIS time?

It wasn’t his time because it wasn’t MY time. Wasn’t my time to lose a friend, a generous, memorable employer, someone I ate with, drank with, partied with and, yes, worked for during the most formative and rewarding years in my career – someone without whom my life might have been radically different.
But, yes, this is how we grieve. The grieving is never about the deceased, it’s about us…our loss. And so it goes………

While I consider myself a Spiritual person, one who subscribes to some kind of higher power, I don’t have much affection for formal religion. I surely don’t claim to know what makes this world and our species tick.

Years ago it annoyed me that Prince sometimes seemed to have a double standard – that he had a Holy Hot Line and got a pass for behavior that would have been less than correct for others. I always felt he privately mistook his super-natural musical gifts for some sort of anointment – he was fully aware that it was a package denied mere mortals and he didn’t mind rubbing it in. I was skeptical……I came from the “all of us have gifts of some sort” school of thought.

But who was I fooling but myself. I have been fortunate enough to witness quite a few amazing talents in my career – landmark performers, singers, musicians and writers. But NOBODY was like Prince.

Yes, the young Prince once practiced and dedicated himself to developing a skill set, but once his foundation was intact, the music, the ideas – both creative and promotional - flowed out of him like a raging river. There was no industry that was equipped to process and digest his ceaseless flow. Radio couldn’t keep up, record companies couldn’t market and promote fast enough, fans couldn’t re-focus fast enough. His songs were like a daily newspaper and he wanted them to be read while the news was fresh.

His brain never shut off. We wrestled with words to describe him – tireless, driven, obsessed, manic. But just maybe it wasn’t any of that. Maybe he was simply put here to be that funnel………to bring us the music and bring us the joy that accompanied it; to bring us the thought provoking lyrics and the effects they had on youth culture. To bring us the generosity ( much of which was incognito) that supported schools, music programs, young artists, ecological issues, social movements and people of all races and walks of life.

In other words… just maybe all the things we found odd or, those of us who worked for him and tried to keep up, sometimes argued about…………… were simply meant to be that way. Maybe HE was on schedule and the rest of us were late. Once the technology caught up with HIS visions, and fundamentally changed how the music industry operates, it seemed like Prince had been a prophet. He may not have specifically envisioned a Spotify or ITunes, but he damn sure did envision a world where artists would retain more control of their work and how it is marketed.

More importantly, just maybe he had given all he had to give…….Climbed every mountain there was to climb. For a mind as restless as Prince’s it must have been torture to think privately that there was nothing left ahead but to repeat himself…….even if he did have the talent and versatility to keep it interesting to fans.

Eric, in his matter-of-fact way, told me, “men like Prince aren’t meant to grow old”. My first thought was, what men ARE like Prince? But I know what Eric meant. I couldn’t even fantasize about a 90 year old Prince. Think of any of our elders, grandparents etc. and their lifestyle then substitute Prince. C’mon! Really??

It WAS raining in Minneapolis the morning Prince died. But it stopped soon after his body was discovered and by the time fans began gathering a gorgeous rainbow surfaced atop Paisley Park and there was a lot of purple in it. So I’m going to believe that It WAS his time.

And, yes, that’s about me – making it easier to put this somewhere comfortable because I’m still freaked the fuck out.
I’m just grateful that Gwen and I passed through Prince’s life. We live in Minneapolis because of Prince. We saw the world because of Prince. We learned about the pros and cons of celebrity and fame because of Prince. My son grew up around Prince. We got married, got sober and beat both cancer and spinal meningitis while working for Prince. Once again, that’s about me – us. This grieving shit is damn selfish.
So I’m gonna take Prince’s advice and do what, ironically, he was finally unable to do: I’m not letting that Paisley elevator bring me down. I’m punching a higher floor, grateful that I’m looking around me and know I have friends.

Gotdamnit – more about me. I’m crushed I never got a chance to say goodbye, much less thank you, which is exactly how he would have wanted it.
So this is THANK YOU.

RIP my friend
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Prince bass solo

Bruce Springsteen ouvre son concert avec une version de Purple Rain... En hommage...
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Wonder B a écrit :Prince bass solo
:love1: :afro: :love1: :afro: :love1:

Wonder B a écrit :“It was just his time.” I HATE it when people say that after someone passes.

Prince died alone in a friggin elevator………..what spiritual power would have designed it that way?
Would it have been his time had he stayed in an Illinois hospital last week and received treatment? Would it have been his time if he had walked down Paisley steps instead of taking the elevator?

The facts are that this man was still actively performing, throwing parties, cycling around Minneapolis’ suburbs……does that sound like it was HIS time?
Quand je regarde les doc sur Prince, j'attends toujours avec impatience les interventions d'Alan Leeds, son ton direct, sans détour, un certain mordant.
Ce qu'il dit est tout à fait juste en intro / au décès de Prince.
Merci pour cet article WonderB.

Wonder B a écrit :Eric, in his matter-of-fact way, told me, “men like Prince aren’t meant to grow old”. My first thought was, what men ARE like Prince? But I know what Eric meant. I couldn’t even fantasize about a 90 year old Prince. Think of any of our elders, grandparents etc. and their lifestyle then substitute Prince. C’mon! Really??
Pas faux, mais je me disais encore une dizaine d'années, sauf accident, maladie... Oui c'est très égoïste.
Wonder B a écrit :So I’m gonna take Prince’s advice and do what, ironically, he was finally unable to do: I’m not letting that Paisley elevator bring me down. I’m punching a higher floor, grateful that I’m looking around me and know I have friends.
Je ne sais pas trop comment comprendre cette phrase, Alan Leeds veut-il dire que Prince n'avait pas de 'vrais' amis dans son sérail de Paisley Park. :scratch:
Certes c'est la frangine de Prince, qui semble-t-il, l'a retrouvé dans l'ascenseur...

Wonder B a écrit :Regardez maintenant cette vidéo qui montre quel grand guitariste il était (voir à 3'27").
Defying description': ZZ Top’s Billy Gibbons on Prince the ‘sensational’ guitarist
...So much has been said about Prince but I do think it’s important to remember that his guitar playing was, I don’t know, just sensational. Tell me how you’d describe it...

:arrow: l'article est ici.

Pearl Jam on Prince: 'Greatest Guitar Player We've Ever Seen'
"If there was anyone I thought would be playing when he was 80 or 85, it was gonna be Prince," Eddie Vedder says. "So today was a real shock" (22 avril 2016)

:arrow: l'article est ici.

Pearl Jam - "Purple Rain" (Columbia SC 4/21/16)

Justin Timberlake on Prince:
"More than a "once in a lifetime" artist... Just a ONCE IN FOREVER ARTIST."

:arrow: l'article est ici.

Merci Mpls, je partage ton lien, qui fait continuité à ce que dit WonderB.

:arrow: Sheryl Crow & Prince, Lilith Fair Toronto 8-22-99

Voilà ce qu'à indiqué la personne qui a posté la vidéo :
"A feed from the big screens and the audio is direct from console."

:arrow: Prince - Saturday Night Live, 2014 (SNL Host: Chris Rock) :hendrix:

Une préférence dès que le son démarre à 2mn, les guitares déchirent !!!

Un morceau que je trouve excellent, sans parler du clip, que calor... du Prince tout simplement. :D

:arrow: Prince & NPG - "Gett Off" (live @ 1991 MTV Video Music Awards)

Du pur TALENT et il faut aller au bout car comme d'habitude,
le son part dans le FUNK avec la note de la gratte, c'est savoureux.

:arrow: Son humanisme et un témoignage émouvant.

Un live qui défonce le sol, c'est du lourd, époque New Jack avec les NPG. :yeahhh: :afro:

:arrow: Prince & NPG - Prince Rock In Rio, 1991 (Part1)

:arrow: Prince & NPG - Prince Rock In Rio, 1991 (Part2)
Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 26 déc. 2016 20:24, modifié 4 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Prince's last shows: A view from the front row
"Sex is something we can all understand. It’s limitless. But I try to make the songs so they can be viewed in different ways, I know some people will go right through those [message] elements in a song, but there are some who won’t. If you make it too easy, you lose the point. Most music today is too easy. People just come out and do the same old same olds over and over. ... All people care about nowadays is getting paid so they try to do just what the audience wants them to do. I’d rather give people what they need rather than just what they want."

Plus de lecture (articles de 1982) ici.

[zoom=PRINCEinNewspapers]http://www.funk-o-logy.com/ima/ges/2016 ... ers80s.jpg[/zoom]
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

J'ai aussi trouvé ce lien vers une vidéo de Prince en live, probablement la plus "chaude" que j'ai jamais vu!!!

Regardez bien quand Prince se retourne (dos à la foule)... Bwahahahaha!!! Et je ne parle même pas de tous les figurants sur scène qui font semblant (ou pas!) d'avoir des relations plus qu'intimes...

Evidemment c'était avant qu'il ne devienne Témoin de Jéhovah!!!!

Prince Performs "Gett Off" at the 1991 VMAs | MTV News

En prime l'étonnante version de Billy Paul (décédé la même semaine!) de Purple Rain

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Prince - @ The Arsenio Hall Show (2014)
Wonder B a écrit :J'ai aussi trouvé ce lien vers une vidéo de Prince en live, probablement la plus "chaude" que j'ai jamais vu!!!
Et les danseurs semblent pour certains sortir d'une salle de body building, vu que la rythmique n'est pas là, mais le dessin musculaire est sublime.
Wonder B a écrit :Evidemment c'était avant qu'il ne devienne Témoin de Jéhovah!!!!
Eh oui...
En parlant de ça, j'espère qu'il n'y a pas de lien avec son décès / refus de soin comme j'ai lu dans ton premier post.
Ok c'est TMZ mais le mec est sympa et empathique (mais tout de même collant, ne lâche pas sa 'proie' en peine) avec Sheila E :drunk: (qui a toujours été une de mes chouchoutes).

:arrow: Un superbe texte passionné et par un passionné, Francois Ronget, (que j'approuve les yeux fermés et avec ferveur) déniché par Mpls et c'est ici.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par funkiness »

Que d'hommages et de docu poignants dans ce topic ! Celui de Goaty exprime assez bien ce que je ressens. Un proche, voire une part de moi-même qu'on a amputée. Exactement comme pour James, à cette grande différence près que Prince était encore jeune, ce qui ajoute à la brutalité et à la violence de sa disparition.
La nouvelle m'a pris en traitre la veille d'un voyage musical et festif au Baltic Soul Weekender. Je n'ai pas eu le temps de rester sidéré comme cela aurait dû être normalement le cas, et comme cela risque de l'être maintenant que je suis seul face à moi-même, hors du tourbillon extatique qui m'avait jusqu'à présent préservé d'un abyssal chagrin. Chagrin que je sens tout doucement monter et que je vais avoir du mal à exprimer par des mots.
Je ne peux même pas écrire la phrase consacrée tant c'est irréel et insupportable. Non je ne l'écrirai pas.
J'embrasse tout le monde, plein de reconnaissance pour vos hommages, tous plus beaux les uns que les autres.
funkiness brings you funk and happiness
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

funkiness a écrit :Je ne peux même pas écrire la phrase consacrée tant c'est irréel et insupportable. Non je ne l'écrirai pas.
funkiness a écrit :J'embrasse tout le monde, plein de reconnaissance pour vos hommages, tous plus beaux les uns que les autres.
Bises Funkiness, de tout cœur avec toi.

-->Posté sur le mur de Jesse Johnson par John W. Payne : c'est FORT !!!!!!
Les photos intégrées au texte ont été ajoutées par Jesse J. sur son mur fb.

John W. Payne a écrit :Post by John W. Payne:


"I left this similar message on your other page. I will also leave
it here to make SURE you see it...

As men we sometimes never express how we feel especially when it comes to giving someone else their props. Maybe its part of our male machismo, an ego thing or whatever but know this Jesse. PRINCE had mad love and respect for you man... he and I sat in that little office in Paisley Park adjacent to the smaller rehearsal room in the back behind where the mixing board is talking for an hour and a half about EVERYTHING, Tina Graham (Larry's wife) walked in just as we were laughing about something and wondered what was going on, but we were deep in conversation mode bonding over musical stuff.

Being that I was raised as a Witness since age ten and he was newly baptised we talked about spirituality, all things music, different moments in our lives, the industry etc... and every now and then he would mention YOU guys in THE TIME.

Also In the course of our conversation he brought your name up a few times cause I guess in some way I reminded him of you but he would discuss your departure to A&M over with John McC and how he was a little bothered about that cause he wanted you to stay, all the way to the late night knock on the door confession during your Shockadelica tour about the band thing (not gonna go into detail here but one cant make these things up).

Anyway, next to Jimi, YOU were also the barometer that he measured his guitar playing to and in his ever competitive nature to be the best at whatever, he respected you in a major way cause having cats like you around pushed HIM to be better.

In light of this tragedy I feel its important to share this in an attempt to draw us ALL together and let you know how YOUR BROTHER felt about you.

NOW was the appropriate time to share that part of our confidential talk cause its something YOU should know. I have NO REASON to lie or make anything up cause Im not here to gain glory or anything else since theres NOTHING that anyone here can give me. However, I feel Its important that the love our fellow man may have for us even if it had been hidden for years be known at times like this if one may have been unaware of it.

Anyway, may we cherish the fond memories of our brother and be at peace with the incredible legacy he left behind. Just know he felt YOU were an integral part of it... Peace."

"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Monte Moir, le petit blanc aux claviers dans The Time exprime lui aussi tardivement (pour cause de chagrin sans l'ombre d'un doute) ses sentiments...

In the days since Prince's passing, the feeling I'm left with is gratitude. The shock a lot of us felt is turning into acceptance and of course there is sadness that will linger.

You've inspired me. You encouraged me to do things I wasn't sure possible. I've learned so many things from you, some beyond measure. And I'm being reminded again from your departure not to take anything in this life for granted.

Prince really was a true visionary, a pioneer in the well traveled road of the music business. Man, what a true rock star.

We can never know how things might have turned out by taking one road over another, but one road I took early on changed the trajectory of my life. It opened all kinds of doors to great new experiences and opportunities in music. And for that, for you P, I am grateful.

A lot of us who were connected to him over the years were able to gather last night and share stories, some funny, some deeply touching. Many of whom you think would be there were. Too many to list. There was so much positivity in the room.
We even touched on how working with Prince enabled a lot of us to meet each other whether it be musicians, road crew, tech guys or the administrative folks. For those friendships can continue. As will your music.

So with many thanks before
Comes one more.

Thank you Prince. Thank you for everything.
May God bless you.

And may we all live and carry out our true purpose.
Sworn to fun
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Très touchant Monte Moir. :)

Un oubli en cette année 2016, le décès d'un ancien de The NPG Hornz.
Ce qui porte à trois décès pour 2016 :oops: d'artistes ou anciens de la scène du Minneapolis Sound et tous dans la cinquantaine. :?

Brian Gallagher
(23 novembre 1963 - 03 mars 2016)

(photo de Trevor Rodriguez)

"Many in the Minnesota music scene are mourning the sudden death of Brian Gallagher, whose skills on the saxophone, flute, and bass contributed to countless Twin Cities bands.

Gallagher, 52, was a member of Prince’s New Power Generation in the early 1990s and soon after that co-founded of the funk band Greazy Meal, the Star Tribune reports.

The newspaper reports Gallagher died of a pulmonary embolism Thursday and leaves behind three teenaged children."

Source : bringmethenews.com

Plus d'info sur le site de Star Tribune. :study:
Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 20 mai 2016 18:16, modifié 1 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Je me suis réveillée ce matin avec d'un coup ce souvenir lu dans Best à l''époque et j'avais trouvé cette démarche FANTASTIQUE, GÉNIALE, GRANDIOSE... J'étais aux anges, cet artiste est unique, trop excellent, vraiment, il fallait y penser, et de plus, sa Musique s'y prête, bla bla bla. Avec une amie on passait toutes les récrés à papoter de Musique, elle, elle était raide dingue de lui, quand je dis raide dingue, c'est raide dingue, elle le portait en pins en permanence, c'est dire...
Je ne parle pas la langue des signes mais j'adore depuis toute petite, certainement ce goût pour le mouvement, la gestuelle, l'expression faciale, corporelle... cela me fascine... et donc Purple addict en découle, j'en parlerais à Freud. :mrgreen: Plus sérieusement, Bollywood, les danses asiatiques, etc. c'est du pur bonheur millimétré souplesse élasticité rigueur...

J'en reviens à Prince qui, encore une fois, a balancé aux chiottes les codes, la logique habituelle... Big Up à son band, car les Revolution font partie de ce voyage improbable : cette notion de vibration existe quand on écoute du djembe, gwo ka, des percussions, la vibration = vie, battement du cœur.

Souvenirs... souvenirs... pour ceux et celles qui avaient eu vent de cette news dans les journaux français et/ou anglais.
Washington Post a écrit :The time Prince gave a free concert at a college for deaf students

Prince at his concert at Gallaudet University on Nov. 29, 1984 (Courtesy of the Gallaudet University Archives)

Prince was at the top of his game when he came to Washington in the fall of 1984. “Purple Rain” was one of the biggest albums and movies of the year, and he performed an astonishing seven concerts at Landover’s Capital Centre — selling out all of them — over the course of two weeks. But before he left, he stopped off at Washington’s Gallaudet University, a private college for the deaf. We have republished The Washington Post’s story about his remarkable concert on campus.

By Edward D. Sargent
November 30, 1984

In a surprise, free performance at Gallaudet College, Prince, the rock star, dazzled and thrilled about 2,500 handicapped students from the campus and the city’s public schools yesterday afternoon.

There were blind students who could not see him. There were deaf students who could only feel the vibrations of the songs that have made Prince one of the country’s most popular performers. But none of that seemed to matter.

As Prince performed, often smiling and grinning as he played, hundreds of students raised their hands with thumbs, index and baby fingers extended and the two middle ones curved inward to tell him in sign language, “I love you.”

For Prince, the controversial performer whose risque “Purple Rain” tour has sold out a record seven concerts at the Capital Centre, the show was a bit toned down, apparently for the young “special” audience.


Promoters said Prince requested to do the show for handicapped students who would not otherwise be able to see or hear him perform. It was his second charitable appearance this week.

On Tuesday night he was the featured guest at a reception held to raise money for maverick Chicago educator Marva Collins and Big Brothers of America, which has more than 1,000 black males in D.C. waiting to be matched with role models, spokesmen said.

Prince wore a psychedelic crushed velvet Edwardian suit. Later, he threw his white glove, and some of his jewelry into the crowd. Members of his back-up band, The Revolution, tossed flowers and masks to the excited students, many of whom did not learn of the concert until yesterday morning shortly before they boarded for the trip to the quiet campus.

Several interpreters for the deaf, standing on podiums throughout the Gallaudet field house, translated the lyrics, danced and tried to convey what Prince meant when he screamed, screeched and plucked his guitar’s strings.

“I had a lot of fun. I felt his music,” Angela Maxey, 18, a deaf student at Gallaudet, said through an interpreter. “I couldn’t hear the words, but I could feel the vibrations. Deaf people really appreciate and love loud music.”


The interpreter, Joyce Doblmier, said, “Some deaf students have dim hearing ability and can hear when” the music is pounded into their eardrums. “They can’t feel the notes, but they can feel the rhythms.”

Joan Lee, the wife of the president of Gallaudet College, and several students presented gifts to the 26-year-old performer. Then Prince and The Revolution took to the stage for an encore rendition of the moody “Purple Rain.”

In all he played more than a dozens songs and melodies, including "1999", "Little Red Corvette", and "When Doves Cry". Noticeably missing were his more erotic songs.


“He didn’t really go all out like he has before,” said Warren Graves, 19, a Prince fan and a student at Spingarn High School who said he recently overcame emotional problems that interfered with his ability to learn. “He really respected these young kids.”

During several songs, Prince emphasized phrases as if trying to motivate the handicapped youths, often discriminated against, ostractized and left out of normal activities.

“Be glad that you are free; there’s many a man who is not. Be glad for what you got,” he sang at one point. And later he sang, “God made you. God made me. He made us all equally.”

“The whole performance was touching,” said Carol Kirkendall, whose G Street Express company has promoted the Prince tour. “I’ve seen many shows and he was really at his best. I know that he was touched, you could sense it.”
Source : Whashington Post
Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 26 avr. 2016 19:54, modifié 5 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Quelle saloperie d'année...

En plus comme dans la chanson de Prince on a eu droit à une tempête de neige sur les coups de 12h30 aujourd'hui... Ah oui il peut donc neiger en Avril même si on n'a pas vu un flocon cet hiver...
Sworn to fun
Loyal to none
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