Kung Fu Super Sounds [De Wolfe]

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Kung Fu Super Sounds [De Wolfe]

Message par FoxyBronx »

Etonnante histoire que ce deal commercial conclut entre le label de James de Wolfe et et les frères Shaw, concernant l'utilisation d'un vaste catalogue de librairie musicale destiné à sonoriser nombre de Wu Xia Pian (films de sabres) et films de kung fu tournés à Hong Kong entre 1975 et 1983.

Une compilation CD regroupe 43 de ces titres utilisés par la Shaw Brothers .

01. Counterspy - Dirty Ho Theme (Reg Tilsley)
02. Horror House - The Four Assassins (Paul Lewis)
03. Suppression - Two Champions of Shaolin (Jack Trombey)
04. Drama Bridge - Two Champions of Shaolin (Peter Knight)
05. Waiting for the Man - Shaolin Mantis (Jack Trombey)
06. Drama Sting 1 - Shaolin Mantis (Paul Ferris)
07. Perception in Rhythm - Shaolin Handlock Theme (Ivor Slaney)
08. Grotte Sous Marine - Shaolin Handlock (Pierre Arvay)
09. Rite De la Terre Earth - Avenging Eagle Theme (Edward Michael)
10. Violence - Invincible Shaolin (Eric Towren)
11. Old Dark House - Heaven and Hell (Pete Willsher & Keith Cheshire)
12. Moonbird - Heaven and Hell (Roger Webb)
13. Dr. Witch Wot - Heaven and Hell (Pete Willsher & Keith Cheshire)
14. Spin Out - Heaven and Hell (Pierre Arvary)
15. Tension Trip - Dirty Ho (Reg Tilsley)
16. Troubled Mind - Dirty Ho (Don Harper)
17. Crime Club - Dirty Ho (Reg Tilsley)
18. Fast Moving Stranger - Dirty Ho (Don Parker)
19. Violent Pay Off - Dirty Ho (Reg Tilsley)
20. Violence Link 1 - Dirty Ho (Reg Tilsley)
21. Electro Beat 5 - The Kung Fu Instructor (Ronald Marquisee)
22. Counter Kill - The Kung Fu Instructor (Jack Trombey)
23. Two Minutes Precisely - Ten Tigers of Kwang Tung (Derek Scott)
24. Industrial Complex - The Master Theme (Reg Tilsley)
25. Electro Beat - The Master (Ronald Marquisee)
26. Red Sequence - Bat Without Wings Theme (Jack Trombey)
27. Electro Link 18 - Return to the 36th Chamber (Ronald Marquisee)
28. For and Against - Return to the 36th Chamber (Barry Stoller)
29. Bitter Lemons - Flag of Iron Theme (Frank Rothman)
30. The Mystified Man - Flag of Iron Theme (Pierre Arvay)
31. The Tournament - Heroes Shed No Tears Theme (Spencer Nakin)
32. Duck and Blacker - Martial Club (Johnny Hawksworth)
33. Face to Face - My Young Auntie (Frank Rothman)
34. Sentry - Masked Avengers (Jack Trombey)
35. In The Shadows - House of Traps Theme (Paul Ferris)
36. Jackboot - House of Traps (Peter Francklyn)
37. Dogarnit - Hex After Hex (Robin Artus/Johnny Hawksworth)
38. Zenith - Hex After Hex (John Saunders)
39. Abimes Souterrains - Human Skin Lanterns (Eric Towren)
40. Moog Shot 25 - Buddah's Palm (Sam Spence)
41. Manoevres - The Bastard Swordman Theme (Jack Trombey)
42. Nerve Stretch 2 - The Bastard Swordman (Paul Lewis)
43. Dodge City 1 - Return to the 36th Chamber (Jack Trombey)

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De Wolfe - Kung Fu Super Sounds

Message par Jean »

c'est vrai que c'est étonnant ce deal De Wolfe / Shaw :shock:
...il y a un bon paquet de grand classiques Shaw dans les films listés :sword:

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