Alan Leeds et le P

George Clinton and The Mothership Connection (Bootsy, Parliament, Funkadelic, Horny Horns, Brides of Funkenstein, Parlet...)

Funky admins : funkiness, Wonder B

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Wonder B

Alan Leeds et le P

Message par Wonder B »

Après avoir posté des infos de première bourre sur son boulot avec James Brown et plus tard pour Prince, il revient sur sa collaboration avec George et Parliament-Funkadelic dans les années 80...

APRIL 4 – On this date in 1980 I went to the Stanley Theatre in Pittsburgh to catch Parliament-Funkadelic – without George Clinton! GLORYHALLASTOOPID was the new album but Clinton had announced his “retirement” from touring. I never asked him but I suspect he was in rehab (talk about futility!). Clinton had been clashing with record companies and P-Funk was showing signs of wear – reduced in box o...ffice appeal from arenas to theatres. George was wrong when he said he wouldn’t be missed but right when he claimed the shows would still be worthy without him. Led by the late Garry Shider, 1980 P-Funk included the sexy Brides of Funkenstein, guitar mavens Blackbird McKnight and Michael “Kidd Funkadelic” Hampton, percussionist Larry Fratangelo, the legendary Maceo Parker and the stellar bass-drums team of Rodney “Skeets” Curtis and Dennis Chambers. The band was smokin’ but a year later P-Funk would grind to a halt – a victim of legal problems and mis-management. “Atomic Dog” spurred a temporary resurrection but then it all crashed again in 1985. I watched all this as a disappointed fan, never dreaming that by 1988 I’d be in a position to direct George to Prince’s Paisley Park label and support the “comeback” that has continued to this day. One Nation, babee!

Merci encore Alan pour toutes ces histoires cachées et pourtant si importantes...

Ce à quoi Stozo The Clown, cartoonist et dessinateur de pochettes bien connu répond et ajoute ceci :

Nice Alan....I was The SnowMon on this tour, an oversized huge snow man puppet that shot snow out of his carrot noze. He was one of the Sir Noze "Unfunkables" (bad guys) who were hatin on the funk and "never dance!" What was also noteworthy about this tour ALSO was having the late Phillipe Wynne from The Spinners and the uncomparable Jessica Cleaves from Earth Wind and Fire and The Friends Of Distinction...The Doctor, Dr.George Clinton was not in rehab... Just takin a lil deserved "lunch break"... However he just couldn't stay away from that stage and came back out to most of the shows on that tour... Also included the late Ray Davis(bass vocalist) and a giant Egg that landed onstage and delivered a clone of Dr Funkenstein along also with Pin The Tale On The Fonkay magic show. This was a great tour that may have been missed by those that thought ... "the fonk is dead"... As GEORGE ALWAZE SEZ ... 'We just get n started !...
FUNK IS ITS OWN REWARD... Or punnishment as Pedro Bell sez... STAY TOON!

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Re: Alan Leeds est partout...

Message par TheDrunkyChicken »

Sympa ces anecdotes ! :D . Ça me rappelle qu'il y a quelques années, Alan Leeds avait posté sur son facebook une liste de 20 albums qui selon ses termes, ont "changé sa vie", le "Live Earth Tour 77" en faisait partie, et voici son texte, dans lequel il fait allégeance à la bande à George au détriment de la Family Stone.
PARLIAMENT LIVE – P-FUNK EARTH TOUR (1977)In the same way that Miles had assembled all that had happened in jazz with AGHARTA, George Clinton’s cast of characters did it with funk. Sly Stone fans will hate on me but once you take away the Family Stone’s wardrobe and mixed heritage, you have Larry Graham’s bass, Sly’s wit and mostly otherwise derivative music. Strictly as musicians the Family Stone couldn’t hold P-Funk’s jock straps (hate on me, I know). The P-Funk studio records were a hint – MOTHERSHIP CONNECTION is the classic and there were others - but none made me feel like this did. Once you put this joint on and got caught up in Jerome Brailey’s foot while Bernie Worrell and Maceo Parker fills set up the groove, it was over! God bless JB, the funk had moved on – there was a new sheriff in town.
FUnk is Here to Stay !
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Wonder B

Re: Alan Leeds est partout...

Message par Wonder B »

Ah il avait surkiffé cet album le père Alan!!!! LOOOOL Il n'a pas du se faire que des amis avec cette chronique!
Sworn to fun
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