R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par devantf »

Comment dire...
Je n'ai pas ressenti le même sentiment que pour le départ de Lou Reed et de Bowie.
Il y avait chez Prince quelque chose d'extra terrestre, c'était difficile de l'imaginer mortel en fait. Je raconte par ailleurs qu'il était davantage proche du fantasme, vous savez comme un personnage de Cronenberg dans Videodrome.
Mais si je n'ai pas ressenti une émotion forte à la disparition de l'homme.
Je l'ai suivi de très près jusqu'à Graffiti, puis l'abandonne comme faisant parti d'une époque révolue (Erreur!!!).
Et puis, en l'an 2001 de notre air de musique, voilà qu'une mediathéquère me met dans les mains "The Rainbow Children".
Auparavant ma femme avait tenté de me renouer avec un de ses talents, "chansonnier" avec son "Money Don't Matter 2 Night" titre pop à la facilité qui frisait le génie, peut-être. Mais je n'avais pas donné suite
Mais "Rainbow" va définitivement me donner tort. Quel album et quel preuve que nous avions là à faire à un très grand, un hors du temps.

Alors, d'hommage en hommage, me voici à découvrir aujourd'hui, oui seulement aujourd'hui: N.E.W.S... Par exemple.

Et des internautes parler d'un espace à partager avec Miles Davis... Houaaahhh

Je commence à penser à Frank Zappa, moins d'humour mais davantage de sensualité.

Il a conçu non pas des ponts mais des viaducs pour nous apporter la pop, le rock, le funk, la soul, le jazz, le rap il en manque... help.

D'accord je suis en grande partie passé à côté.

Il nous reste à raconter, proposer autour de nous toute cette période laissée dans l'ombre, fascinante.

Voilà. Je n'ai pas pleuré la mort de Miles Davis. Pas celle de Prince... Des génies, des stars, des étoiles... Je ne pleure pas les étoiles... Je les regarde briller (c'est pour rattraper mon manque d'émotion...)

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

devantf a écrit :Il a conçu non pas des ponts mais des viaducs pour nous apporter la pop, le rock, le funk, la soul, le jazz, le rap il en manque .. help.
Tu traduis exactement mon vécu avec l'univers de Prince. Et j'ai toujours pensé que cela allait au-delà : on peut être gris, vert, indigo et apprécier la Musique, les Musiques, la différence, les différences culturelles et autres. Prince, c'est tout cela pour moi. Quand il inscrit 'SLAVE' sur sa joue, j'ai trouvé cela fort, courageux, culotté mais il l'a été dès ses débuts, dès son premier opus...

Frank Ocean a écrit :"Frank Ocean: 'I'm a Proud Prince Fan (Stan) for Life'
"He made me feel more comfortable with how I identify sexually," singer-songwriter pens of iconic performer


Much of Ocean's tribute paid heed to the late artist's "rebellion against exploitation," citing moments like Prince's name change to a symbol and him writing the word "SLAVE" on his face as a response to a contentious relationship with Warner Music.

The most poignant moment of the message is Ocean revealing how important Prince was to discovering and feeling comfortable with his own sexuality, a testament to the artist's fearless ambiguity.

In 2012, Ocean opened up about his sexuality, admitting to have once fallen in love with another man, though not attaching a label to his identification. "He was a straight black man who played his first televised set in bikini bottoms and knee high heeled boots, epic," he begins. "He made me feel more comfortable with how I identify sexually simply by his display of freedom from and irreverence for obviously archaic ideas like gender conformity etc."
Source : Rolling Stone


De très belles photos de Prince en grand format sur le Washington Post. ;)

Il m'a souvent fait penser à un danseur classique, cette précision au millième, même ses doigts, le regard, tout est d'un pointilleux : jeter un œil à la quatrième photo, celle où il est en lévitation, et comme le dit Sheila E, il donnait tout à son public, mais tout, il souffrait de ses pieds, etc. Ne pas oublier qu'il fait cela avec des talons parfois d'une hauteur impressionnante...

L'interview de Sheila E :

Sheila E & Prince

@ Alma Awards 2007
Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 20 mai 2016 18:05, modifié 4 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Autre témoignage un peu différent cette fois et à propos de la générosité de Prince...

La nièce de Clyde Stubblefield, un des inventeurs du rythme Funk sous la houlette de son boss James Brown, raconte comment Prince avait payé les frais d'hospitalisation de Clyde quand celui-ci avait été frappé par un cancer et ne pouvait plus payer ses factures...

Une face cachée de l'Artiste...

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Wonder B a écrit :Autre témoignage un peu différent cette fois et à propos de la générosité de Prince...
C'est ce qui ressort des lectures : exemple ici.

Et cela fait plaisir de lire ceci : "Prince's Ex-Wife Manuela Testolini Is Building a School in His Memory"
Manuela Testolini qui est l'actuelle épouse d'Eric Benet.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Intéressant article sur Jimmy Jam et ses projets...

Jimmy Jam veut continuer à produire à Paisley Park

Grammy Award-winning producer Jimmy Jam is hoping he'll get the keys to late singer Prince's vault, so he can take charge of the Purple Rain hitmaker's thousands of unreleased songs.

Jimmy, who grew up with the music icon in Minnesota, once played in singer's band, but he and sidekick Terry Lewis were fired when Prince discovered they were moonlighting with the SOS Band.

Jam tells Access Hollywood Live he had not spoken to his old friend for months before his sudden death on Thursday (21Apr16), but he does recall a conversation they had about Prince's fabled Paisley Park vault - where the prolific musician kept all his song ideas and unreleased recordings.

"The vaults are amazing," Jimmy says. (There's) probably thousands (of recorded songs).

"We actually talked about that... and we told Prince we wanted to produce them, that that was one of the things on our bucket list. And he laughed and he said, 'OK, what would you do?'

"I said, 'The first thing we'd do is we'd go down to the vault and we'd get all those records... and start working with those', and he said, 'OK'... It's great music."

And Jimmy admits that even though Prince fired him, the two always remained good friends.

"Prince told us he didn't want us to produce and write for any other acts and we did and he found out about it and subsequently fired us," Jam recalls. "We knew there was a picture of us in Billboard magazine of us working with these people, the SOS Band, and we were trying to hide every (copy of) Billboard magazine we could find. He finally did (see it)."

Paying tribute to his late friend, Jimmy Jam insists no one in the music business worked harder.

"He expected excellence from everybody... He had the discipline like James Brown, like the way James Brown used to operate his bands - you had to be ready at any moment to switch a song, change the key to a song... but his work ethic was beyond everybody else's.

"It's like (basketball great) Michael Jordan - the most talented guy walks into the gym and already has the talent... but then he's gonna outwork you... That's the way Prince was."

© WENN Newsdesk 2016
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Revpop »

Bluesy, bravo pour ton travail, respect total !
Funkology devient une mine d'or sur Prince, ce sera en quelque sorte sa vallée des Rois pleine de joyaux et de mystères !

{resp@ct# {resp@ct# {resp@ct#
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Super témoignage de Jimmy Jam (encore!) sur Prince. Copains depuis le collège, sa façon de travailler (James Brown), comment ils s'étaient fait virer (lui et Terry Lewis) à cause de leur boulot de producteur pour SOS Band, la vie 'clean' de Prince, ses fringues de rock star, bref plein de choses...

A visionner en plein écran et cliquez sur CC si vous voulez avoir les dialogues en sous titres (anglais seulement, ce sont des S/T pour malentendants)

Et puis (j'arrive pas à trouver le lien autrement que sur Facebook) la fabuleuse performance de Prince aux Grammies en 1985! Absolument démente version de "Baby I'm A Star"...

Le bilan de Prince!

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Wonder B a écrit :"Prince told us he didn't want us to produce and write for any other acts and we did and he found out about it and subsequently fired us," Jam recalls. "We knew there was a picture of us in Billboard magazine of us working with these people, the SOS Band, and we were trying to hide every (copy of) Billboard magazine we could find. He finally did (see it)."
J'adore cette partie, elle me fait sourire, comme dans les histoires de cœur, quand on cherche à cacher à l'autre une autre aventure.

Merci WonderB. je vais regarder ton lien / témoignage de Jimmy Jam que j'ai trouvé excellent dans le document que tu as posté : The MPLS Sound.

Très beau BILAN mais je soupçonne celui ou celle qui l'a établi de faire inconsciemment ou consciemment une comparaison avec M.J. par moment. Je me trompe, peut-être...

Eh oui, quand même... c'est PRINCE et elles ont été une source d'inspiration avec parfois à la clé une belle mélodie qui reste en mémoire et rencontre le succès :

-->"The Most Beautiful Girl In The World" (1994) pour Mayte, sa première épouse.

--> The women Prince loved (clic sur lien)

:arrow: et les étoiles filantes ponctuelles comme Susanna Hoffs (The Bangles) : "Manic Monday" (1985), titre composé par Prince sous le pseudo Christopher...

Et puis il y a celles qui se la jouent mais ne sont pas à la/sa hauteur (oh! que je suis une langue de vipère) mais la séquence m'avait réjouie à l'époque : envie de dire, mais bouge ton cul bordel, il te sert à quoi !
Hein, qu'il a de l'humour Prince !.

Je précise que Kim avait fait le buzz à ce moment via une sexe tape avec son compagnon de l’époque, Ray J, le frérot de la chanteuse RnB, Brandy Norwood.

J'adore cette séquence live, juste avec la guitare et un public superbe à l'image de l'artiste.

Prince MTV Unplugged


"Cream" 0:00
"I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man" 02:55
"Sweet Thing" 04:26
"Rollin' On the River" 05:50
"Sometimes It Snows In April" 06:34

Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 21 juil. 2016 21:13, modifié 5 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Incroyable... une lettre de Prince à George Clinton...

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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

WonderB, :yeahhh: {resp@ct# :yeahhh: dénicheur de trésor... tout comme Jimmy Jam qui rêve les oreilles en alerte de la cave de Paisley Park.


Jimmy Fallon a écrit :
Jimmy Fallon Explains How He & Dave Chappelle Got Prince To Perform At SNL’s Epic 40th Anniversary Afterparty

"At this point, it should be no secret as to how absolutely massive this weekend’s festivities were, celebrating 40 proud and pioneering years of comedy in television on Saturday Night Live. However, one aspect of the evening that certainly remains a blur to all who attended is the details surrounding and the eventual manifestation of the most befitting afterparty that ever was, considering the laundry list of top-shelf talent in attendance, and well, the fact that Prince and Dave Chappelle were there. But how exactly did the most epic afterparty and subsequent jam come to be? Jimmy Fallon did all he could to recount the evening’s dizzying star-power and explain how he and Dave personally played a part in curating a jam session for the ages. While El Capitan was supposed to be the only thing in the form of musical assistance after that seismic, 3-hour TV event took place, Fallon ended up MCing once he realized the brain-busting guest list he had under that roof. What followed was nothing short of historic, with Prince, Taylor Swift, Paul McCartney and literally the world of entertainment converging on one stage. Song of choice? You guessed it: “Let’s Go Crazy.” ‘Cause why not?"

Prince - "Let's Go Crazy" (@ SNL40 After Party)
Show chez Jimmy Fallon très Hendrixien. :hendrix:

Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 26 déc. 2016 20:05, modifié 1 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par bluesy »

Mavis Staples & Prince
(Photo : Frank Griffin, from the BBC Omnibus documentary)

Je n'aurais jamais pensé que la réaction serait aussi immense, forte... :shock:
Je crois que c'est Alan Leeds (à vérifier) qui disait avec humour, dans un doc que :
Prince est la seule personne qui est associée à une couleur.
Remarque très intéressante et tout à fait juste.





All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savior-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

And I saw an angel come down unto me
In her hand she holds the very key
Words of compassion, words of peace
And in the distance an army's marching feet (one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four)
But behold, we will watch them fall

And we lay down on the sand of the sea
And before us animosity will stand and decree
That we speak not of love only blasphemy
And in the distance, six others will curse me
But that's alright (that's alright)
For I will watch them fall (one, two, three, four, five, six, seven)

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

(Just how old)

And we will see a plague and a river of blood
And every evil soul will surely die in spite of
And seven tears, but do not fear
Four in the distance, twelve souls from now
You and me will still be here we will still be here

There will be a new city with streets of gold
The young so educated they never grow old
And a, there will be no death four with every breath
A voice of many colors sings a song
That's so bold
Sing it while we watch them fall

All seven and we'll watch them fall
They stand in the way of love
And we will smoke them all
With an intellect and a savoir-faire
No one in the whole universe
Will ever compare

I am yours now and you are mine
And together we'll love through all
Space and time, so don't cry
One day all seven will die

(Just how old)

Modifié en dernier par bluesy le 26 déc. 2016 20:03, modifié 4 fois.
"Music Makes You Move" : Funkhouse Express (1974) so... "HIT THAT ONE!" : JB
"They Call Us Wild But We Got Soul" : Wild Magnolias (1975)
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Hommage de Larry BLACKMON (CAMEO) à Prince...

Larry Blackmon's Thoughts on the Passing of Prince:

People use the word genius and they throw it around, but Prince was a true genius. There are artists that I like to call “streamers,” people that bring to you their interpretation based on how it's coming to them, and Prince was a consistent streamer. His new material always had something to offer musically, and you would hear so much more in his music than from the average John Q. Michael Jackson's organization with Quincy Jones was like that, too.

Prince and myself were both honored to be mentioned in Miles Davis' autobiography. Miles gave a birthday party in New York on the east side in the '70s and we were both invited. We were all sitting at the table and a member of Miles Davis' entourage was very talkative, a little beyond what was necessary. Prince leaned over to me and said “Larry, I can't take much more of this, I'll see you guys later.” It was a little funnier than that, but that impressed me.

He was a very private person. He wasn't very talkative, especially in an environment he wasn't familiar with, but he was always courteous. That was the last time we had that much time together. We would run into each other occasionally, and it was always a pleasure. He was a class act. When we had our encounters, it was always warm. We both felt like we belonged to a special club.

In turn, there were a lot of people from my organization that Prince would choose to work. They called it the CAMEO orientation. The most recent was John Blackwell who played drums for Prince from 2000 to 2012. Johnny would tell me that Prince used to yell at him and say “man, I need that Larry Blackmon funk on the damn drums!”

RIP His Purple Highness
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Un autre témoignage sur Prince, cette fois-ci émanant de Questlove?, à propos d'une soirée avec lui et Eddie Murphy...

Tout le côté espiègle, contrôleur et fantasque du Kid de Minneapolis!

Extrait du livre Mo’ Meta Blues: The World According to Questlove par Ahmir “Questlove?” Thompson and Ben Greenman

I got a text from Prince’s assistant. That’s how things go in the Prince universe: You get a pre‑message saying that a phone message is coming later. But this time, the message said something different. It said that there was going to be a roller‑skating party that night, for Valentine’s Day, and that I should bring some cool people.

I was puzzled. What did Prince mean by “cool,” exactly? I wasn’t sure if he was trusting me with the word or with the concept. I texted back: “Cool?” It turned out they meant the people who were already with me: Mos, Talib, Jill, Erykah, Common. I started to line people up in my mind and called them to give them the news. I thought they would do backflips: a party with Prince? To my amazement, most of them weren’t up for it. Jill came backstage and told me that she was tired. Talib said that he needed to be in bed before midnight. I ran into Alan Leeds, who led me to Raphael’s dressing room, where Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy were sitting and talking. I went to my same pitch:

“Hey, guys, want to go roller‑skating with Prince?”

“Right,” Alan said. “I’ll be in the grave before I’m in skates.”

“Right,” Chris said. “Like I’m skating with these knees.”

“Right,” Raphael said. “I’m too old for that shit.”

I was confused and a little depressed. How good were these peo­ple’s lives that they could pass on Prince’s roller‑skating party? Only one man was brave enough—visionary enough—to see what lay before us, and that was Eddie Murphy. “This is historical,” he said. “For starters, I need to see if Prince can roller‑skate. I’m a comedian, and honestly, what’s funnier than that?”

Prince’s assistant texted me directions to a rink in Glenside, way out in the middle of nowhere. It was around one in the morning by the time we drove out there, and the place was empty, a bare rink, and I started to worry that I had the wrong place, or that I had been punked. Maybe Alan and Chris were in on the joke. Maybe they were all somewhere laughing. Then I saw DJ Rashida and some of her friends skating.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey there,” she said.

They were so happy to see us that I started to feel bad that I hadn’t brought more people.

“No,” she said. “Don’t worry about it. Prince likes to keep things intimate. A dozen people is a big crowd to him.”

That may have been true, but it was crazy for her to say, as a DJ, and just as crazy for me, as a DJ, to hear. Do you know how hard it is to entertain a crowd that small?

The rink staff was professional, if a little nonplussed. “He’s pay­ing for us to stay open,” one guy told me. “Let’s make the best of it. What’s your shoe size?”

My girlfriend and I skated for about an hour. No Prince, no noth­ing, and the longer we went, the stranger it seemed. Was he com­ing? Was he up in the rafters, laughing? It was a strange setup, to say the least. Someone was putting down cash to keep the kid behind the snack bar there, watching the pizza bake under the heat lamp. He should have been home studying for his spelling test.

Around two in the morning we were ready to go. Still no Prince, and the anthropological benefit of watching this strange half‑attended all‑skate was wearing off. Suddenly, Eddie came in.

“Hey,” he said. “I have an idea. Maybe don’t take those skates off just yet.”

And there he came, Prince, followed by a Princely entourage: his wife, Manuela; Larry Graham; some kids. I didn’t recognize the kids but they were a familiar type—show‑biz small‑fry, like I was all those years ago, when my father took me down to the green room to meet KISS.

Prince was carrying a big briefcase in his hand, and he was acting all mysterious, like it contained the glowing substance from Pulp Fic­tion or something. He made like he was going to open it, then stopped, then started again. Then he walked toward me.

“Where’s your phone?”

“What?” I said.

“Yeah, right, what?” he said. “I know you have it, Ahmir. Where is it?”

I thought maybe he wanted to make a phone call. I admit now that’s not a plausible reading of the situation, but it was all so surreal. “It’s here,” I said.

He took it from me and turned it over in his hand. “Your coat is in coat check?”


“Put this with it.”

“Why? You think I’m going to record something?”

“Check the phone.”

“What about him?” I pointed at Eddie. “You’re not going to take his phone? He’ll tell everyone.”

Eddie put up his hands. “Hey, man, I don’t know what you’re talk­ing about. My phone’s in the car.”

I put the phone in coat check. Prince was asking me. I was being asked by Prince. It was Prince who was asking me. And fine, maybe I didn’t understand any part of what was happening, but sometimes you just have to launch yourself out into the river of an evening.

When I got back, Prince had the briefcase out on the floor. He clicked the lock and opened it, and took out the strangest, most singu­lar pair of roller skates I had ever seen. They were clear skates that lit up, and the wheels sent a multicolored spark trail into your path.

He took them out and did a big lap around the rink. Man. He could skate like he could sing. I watched him go, so transfixed that I didn’t even notice Eddie Murphy appearing at my arm. “I’m going to go get your phone for you,” he said.

Hahahaha elle est très bonne quand même!!!
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Autre histoire très Princienne... Comment Prince privatise Tower Records sur Sunset à L.A. et fait ouvrir le magasin à 6h du mat'!!! Savoureux témoignage d'une des deux employés qui durent se lever à 3h du mat pour assurer l'ouverture!

It was 1986 and I was working at Tower Sunset in West Hollywood.

I first started at Tower Video (which was across the street from the main store), then I worked on the floor in the record store, and then I reached my ultimate goal — working in the art department at Tower Records.

It was a very cool job. I created the "wallboards" that hung all over all three stores (there was Tower Classical too!) We were stationed in the basement of the video store. Surrounded by all kinds of machines that manipulated foamcore, paper, cardboard, and oh yeah - TONS of spray paint.

(To this day, I am totally amazed that I never lost a lung from inhaling all of those fumes - between the wire machine cutting through the foamcore and making the most acrid and toxic fumes ever in life, and the fumes from all that spray paint… It was just nuts.)

Anyway, my stint at the video store was pretty epic. Everybody came through Tower.

I babysat for Whoopi Goldberg, I met Michael Jackson and got his autograph, I met Dick Van Dyke and John Forsythe and they let me run my fingers through their beautiful hair.

I hung out with David Lee Roth, played cards with Peter Gabriel. I met Christopher Lee (who bit my neck and French kissed me).

Then, one fateful day I was called into the office by the video store assistant manager Michael Dampierre.





"Oh Honey, YES WAY. You'd better have your ass here at 5 am — he's gonna be here at 6 am SHARP!"

So I worked the rest of the day with a crazy cosmic nervous energy. Holy sh*t, I'm actually going to meet one of my idols. Prince is really coming here? I was totally beside myself.

Even though celebrities came through all of the time and we at Tower were so ridiculously jaded ("Oh, who was in today... Paul McCartney? YAWN, he was here last week") this time I was far from it.

So I got home, set my alarm for 3:30 am, and tried to go to sleep. I don't think I slept at all, maybe about 45 minutes.

I woke up at 3 am, took a shower and got dressed, and drove from Hollywood out to West Hollywood. Fortunately, Michael lived a couple of blocks and up the street away from Tower, so I drove there and picked him up.

Now remember kids. This was the '80s. No cell phone, no texting, none of that. I called Mike before I left my apartment and left a message on his answering machine to let him know that I was leaving. When I got to his place, he was making breakfast.

We looked at each other like we were going to outer space... "HOLY SH*T, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? PRINCE!"

We were super giddy, a little out of it from lack of sleep, and just plain old ridiculous. At 5 o'clock on the dot, we got in my car and I drove a few blocks to work. Mike unlocked the door and we went inside to get situated.

Prince was coming to shop. We had to make sure that the store was ready for that, and we had no idea if or how many people he would be bringing with him.


5:15... 5:30... 5:45... 6:00

We stood at the door with our faces pressed up against the glass like we were waiting for Santa Claus or something.

At about 6:10 am we saw a car coming towards the parking lot.

We saw the turn signal come on.

Then we looked at each other and started laughing hysterically because, no joke, it was a RED CORVETTE.


In front of the store there was a tiny parking space that can only fit one car, underneath an overhang - V.I.P.'s (and David Lee Roth) parked there ALL of the time.

We stood there and hold each other's hands while holding our breath… The driver side door opens and Jerome Benton appears. Jerome walks around to the passenger side and opens the door.

We saw a foot poke out. A white high-heeled boot. Mike SQUEEZED MY HAND SO DAMNED TIGHT.

Then came the legs. White pants with iridescent paisley print, Swarovski crystals and sequins. He stepped out of his Little Red Corvette and looked around.

He wore a matching motorcycle styled jacket with huge shoulder pads… so tiny, he was sooooooooo damned tiny. He looked at us through the door, Mike and I just melted. Jerome came and waved, we let them in.

Mike: "Hey guys, welcome to Tower, I'm Mike, this is Crystal."

Jerome: "Hey y'all, thanks for opening early."

Prince: "Yes, thank you." (while bowing his head)

They walked in and wandered around. Mike and I just stood by the register, waiting.

The store opened at 9 am every day, so they needed to leave by 8 at the latest to avoid everyone else coming in to start their shifts (like Bill Bailey and Saul Hudson), so they couldn't really putz around.

Jerome brought bags with him, and they wandered the aisles grabbing up any and everything - Disney laserdiscs, VHS tapes of ALL kinds of movies, three HUGE bags FILLED to the top.

They didn't finish until around 7:45.

Jerome brought three gigantic shopping bags up to the counter, Prince walked slowly behind him.

Jerome: "Yeah, we'll take all these. Please have them delivered to this address at Warner's." (Hands me a piece of paper with the label's address)

Mike: "How do you want to pay for this? Would you like us to ring it up now?"

Prince: (smiles)

Jerome: "Yeah, talk to THIS dude, here's his number, he'll handle it." (hands us digits for the President of Warner Bros. Records)

Mike: "Okay, cool."

Me: "Mr. Nelson, may I ask you a question?"

Prince: "Mr. Nelson? I don't see my father in here, HAHAHA! What is it dear?"

Me: "What is that scent you're wearing, it's amazing!"

Prince: "Magic."

And with that, they both turned and walked out of the store while Mike and I followed them out and said thank you and goodbye.

Right after they walked out of the door Prince turned around and said, "Thank you again you two, Crystal and Mike, right? I really appreciate you being here so early, I know it's a pain in the ass."

He extended his hand and shook Mike's, then he shook mine, pulled me in for a hug, and walked away.

He was truly magical.

Crystal Durant
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Wonder B

Re: R.I.P. Prince Rogers Nelson

Message par Wonder B »

Il était vraiment barré quand même... :lol:

L'histoire que racontent Jimy Fallon & Questlove? est absolument hilarante. Ça dure un peu mais çà vaut vraiment le coup et la fin est hilarante...
Jimmy Fallon Pays Tribute to Prince

Toujours dans le Jimmy Fallon Show, l'hommage de D'angelo à Prince il y a deux jours... Top
D'Angelo ft. Princess: Sometimes It Snows in April
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